

A. The Source of Knowledge 資料的來源 (路1:1-4) 001

B. The Preexistence of Christ 基督的永恆性 (約1:1-18) 002


A. The Arrival of the King 王的到來

1. His Ancestry 祂的血統 (太 1:1-17; 路 3:23b-38) 003

2. His Advent 祂的到來

a. The Annunciation of the Birth of John to Zechariah 給沙加利亞約翰出生的喜訊 (路 1:5-25) 004

b. The Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus to Mary 給馬利亞耶穌出生的喜訊 (路 1:26-38) 005

c. The Arrival of Mary in Judea 馬利亞來到猶大 (路 1:39-45) 006

d. The Anthem of Mary 馬利亞的詩歌 (路 1:46-56) 007

e. The Advent of John 約翰的到來 (路 1:57-80) 008

f. The Announcement of the Birth of Jesus to Joseph 給約瑟耶穌誕生的消息 (太 1:18-25) 009

g. The Advent of Jesus 耶穌的到來 (路 2:1-7) 010

h. The Announcement to the Shepherds 向牧羊人報喜 (路 2:8-20) 011

3. His Infancy and Childhood 祂的幼嬰期與童年

a. His Circumcision 祂的割禮 (路 2:21) 012

b. His Presentation 祂的呈現 (路 2:22-28) 013

c. His Infancy 祂的幼嬰期

(1) In Bethlehem 在伯利恆 (太 2:1-12) 014

(2) In Egypt 在埃及 (太 2:13-18) 015

(3) In Nazareth 在拿撒勒 (太 2:19-23; 路 2:39) 016

d. His Boyhood 祂的童年

(1) His growth 祂的成長 (路 2:40) 017

(2) His visit to Jerusalem 祂到耶路撒冷朝聖 (路 2:41-50) 018

(3) His Development 祂的生長 (路 2:51-52) 019

B. The Ambassador of the King 王的使者

1. The Message to John 給約翰的信息 (可 1:1; 路 3:1-2) 020

2. The Message from John 從約翰來的信息 (太 3:1-6; 可 1:2-6; 路 3:3-6) 021

3. The Explanation by John 約翰的說明 (太 3:11-12; 可 1:7-8; 路 3:15-18) 022

4. The promise by John 約翰的承諾 (太 3:11-12; 可 1:7-8; 路 3:15-18) 023

C. The Approval of the King 王的核准

1. At His Baptism 在祂的受浸 (太 3:13-17; 可 1:9-11; 路 3:21-23a) 024

2. Through His Temptation 經由祂的式探 (太 4:1-11; 可 1:12-13; 路 4:1-13) 025

3. By His Herald 藉著祂的先鋒

a. Testimony of John Before the Leaders 約翰在領袖們前的見證 (約 1:19-28) 026

b. Testimony of John to Christ 約翰對基督的見證 (約 1:29-34) 027


A. The Acceptance of His Person 對祂的接受

1. The Belief of the First Disciples 第一批門徒的相信 (約 1:35-51) 028

2. The Belief Through the First Miracle 第一個神蹟帶來的信心 (約 2:1-11) 029

3. The Sojourn in Capernaum 在迦百農逗留 (約2:12) 030

4. The Possession of the Temple 擁有聖殿 (約2:13-22) 031

5. Acceptance in Judea 在猶太地被接納 (約2:23-3:21) 032

6. The Witness of John 約翰的見證 (約 3:22-36)  033

7. The Withdrawal From Judea  撤離猶太地 (太 4:12; 可 1:14; 路 3:19-20; 4:14; 約 4:1-4) 034

8. The Acceptance in Samaria 在撒瑪利亞被接納 (約 4:5-42) 035

9. The Acceptance in Galilee 在加利利被接納 (約 4:43-45) 036

B. The Authority of the King 基督的權柄

1. Christ’s Authority to Preach 基督傳道的權柄 (太4:17; 可1:15; 路4:14-15) 037

2. Christ’s Authority Over Disease 基督的權柄超越疾病 (約4:46-54) 038

3. Rejection in Nazareth 在拿撒勒被拒絕 (L 4:16-30) 039

4. Residence in Capernaum 在加百農居住 (太4:13-16) 040

5. Christ’s Authority Over Nature 基督的權柄超越自然 (太4:18-22; 可1:16-20; 路5:1-11) 041

6. Christ’s Authority Over Demons 基督權柄超越魔鬼 (可1:21-28; 路4:31-37) 042

7. Christ’s Authority Over Sickness 基督的權柄超越病痛 (太8:14-17; 可1:29-34; 路4:38-41) 043

8. Christ’s Authority to Preach 基督有權柄講道 (太4:23-25; 可1:35-39; 路4:42-44) 044

9. Christ’s Authority Over Defilement 基督的權柄超越污穢 (太8:2-4; 可1:40-45; 路5:12-16) 045

10. Christ’s Authority to Forgive Sin 基督有權柄赦罪 (太9:1-8; 可2:1-12; 路5:17-26) 046

11. Christ’s Authority Over Men 基督的權柄超越人 (太9:9-13; 可2:13-17; 路5:27-32) 047

12. Christ’s Authority Over Tradition 基督的權柄超越傳統 (太9:14-17; 可2:18-22; 路5:33-39) 048

13. Christ’s Authority Over Sabbath 基督的權柄超越安息日

a. Through the Healing of the Paralytic 通過醫治攤子 (約5:1-47) 049

b. Through the Controversy Over Grain 通過麥穗的爭議 (太12:1-8; 可2:23-38; 路6:1-5) 050

c. Through Healing the Man With the Withered Hand 通過醫治枯乾的手 (太12:9-14; 可3:1-6; 路6:6-11) 051

14. Christ’s Authority to Heal 基督有權柄醫治 (太12:15-21; 可3:7-12) 052

15. Commissioning of the Twelve 招十二個門徒 (可3:13-19; 路6:12-16) 053

16. Christ’s Authority to Interpret the Law 基督的權柄解釋律法 (太5:1-7-29; 路6:17-42)

a. The Subjects of the Kingdom 國度裡的人 (太5:1-16; 路6:17-26) 054

b. The Relation of the King to the Law 王與律法之解釋 (太5:17-7:6; 路6:27-42) 055

c. Instruction to Those Who Would Enter the Kingdom 對於進天國之人的教導 (太7:7-29) 056

17. Recognition of Christ’s Authority in Capernaum 在加百農基督的權柄被承認 (太8:3-15; 路7:1-10) 057

18. Recognition of Christ’s Authority in Nain 在拿因基督的權柄被承認 (路7:11-17) 058

19. Witness of the Twelve 十二門徒的見證 (太9:35-11:1; 可6:6b-13; 路9:1-6) 059


A. The Rejection of The Herald 希律之拒絕 (太11:2-19; 路7:18-35) 060

B. The Curse of the Cities of Galilee 加利利城受咒詛 (太11:20-30) 061

C. Reception by a Sinner 被罪人接受 (路7:36-50) 062

D. Witness to the King 對王的見證 (路8:1-3) 063

E. Rejection of Christ and His Offer by the Leaders 耶穌被領袖拒絕 (太12:22-37; 可3:20-30) 064

F. Request for a Sign by the Leaders 領袖要求看神蹟 (太12:38-45) 065

G. Rejection of the Nation by Christ 基督拒絕以色列國 (太12:46-50; 可3:31-35; 路8:19-21) 066

H. Revelation in View of Rejection  拒絕的啟示

1. The Course of the Kingdom in the Present Age 天國在今世的世代 (太13:1-53; 可4:1-34; 路8:4-18) 067

2.Power Over Nature 權柄超越自然 (太8:18, 23-27; 可4:35-41; 路8:22-25) 068

3. Power Over Demon 權柄超越魔鬼 (太8:28-34; 可5:1-20; 路8:26-39) 069

4. Power Over Disease and Death 權柄超越疾病與死亡 (太9:18-26; 可5:21-43; 路8:40-56) 070

5. Power Over Blindness 權柄超越盲目 (太9:27-34) 071

I. Rejection in Nazareth 在拿撒勒被拒絕 (太13:54-58; 可6:1-6a) 072

J. Death of the herald 西律王的死 (太14:1-12; 可6:14-29; 路9:7-9) 073


A. Feeding of the Five Thousand 餵飽五千人 (太14:13-21; 可6:30-44; 路9:10-17; 約6:1-13) 074

B. Rejection of An Offer to Make Christ King 拒絕供基督為王  (太14:22-23; 可6:45-46; 約6:14-15) 075

C. Instruction Through the Storm 經由風暴的教導 (太14:24-33; 可6:45-46; 約6:14-15) 076

D. Reception in Gennesaret 在革尼撒勒的接納 (太14:34-36; 可6:53-56) 077

E. Instruction Concerning the Bread of Life 教導生命的糧 (約6:22-71) 078

F. Instruction Concerning Defilement 教導潔與不潔 (太15:1-20; 可7:1-23; 約7:1) 079

G. Reception in Tyre and Sidon 在推羅西頓的接納 (太15:21-28; 可7:24-30) 080

H. Reception in Decapolis 在底加波利的接納 (太15:29-38; 可7:31-8:9a) 081

I. Rejection in Magadan 在馬加丹的拒絕 (太15:39-16:4; 可8:9b-12) 082

J. Warning against Rejection 對拒絕的警告 (太16:5-12; 可8:13-26) 083

K. Confession of Peter 彼得的告白 (太16:13-20; 可8:27-30; 路9:18-21) 084

L. Instruction Concerning His Death 對祂死亡的教導 (太16:21-23; 可8:31-33; 路9:22) 085

M. Instruction Concerning Discipleship 對作門徒的教導 (太16:24-28; 可8:34-9:1; 路9:23-27) 086

N. Revelation of the Kingdom 國度的啟示 (太17:1-8; 可9:2-8; 路9:28-36) 087

O. Instruction Concerning Elijah 關乎以利亞的教導 (太17:9-13; 可9:9-13) 088

P. Instruction Concerning Dependence 關乎依靠的教導 (太17:14-21; 可9:14-29; 路9:37-43a) 089

Q. Additional Instruction Concerning His Death 再次教導關乎祂的死 (太17:22-23; 可9:30-32; 路9:46-48) 090

R. Instruction Concerning Sonship 關乎聖子的教導 (太17:24-27) 091

S. Instruction Concerning Humility 關乎謙卑的教導 (太18:1-5; 可9:33-37; 路9:46-48) 092

T. Instruction Concerning Pride 關乎驕傲的教導 (太18:6-14; 可9:38-50; 路9:49-50) 093

U. Instruction Concerning Forgiveness 關乎原諒的教訓 (太18:15-35) 094

V. Instruction Concerning Discipleship 關乎門徒訓練的教訓 (太8:19-22; 路9:57-62) 095

W. Challenge by His Brothers 被祂的弟弟挑戰 (約7:2-9) 096

X. Journey to Jerusalem 耶路撒冷之旅 (路9:51-56; 約7:10) 097


A. Conflict at the Feast of Tabernacles 在住棚節的衝突 (約7:11-52) 098

B. Conflict Over the Law 律法上的衝突 (約7:53-8:11) 099

C. Conflict Over the Light 對光講論上的衝突 (約8:12-20) 100

D. Conflict Over His Person 祂身分講論上的衝突 (約8:21-59) 101

E. Conflict Over the Healing of the Blind Man 醫治瞎眼帶來的衝突 (約9:1-41) 102

F. Conflict Over the Shepherd 牧人教導上的衝突 (約10:1-21) 103

G. Witness of the Seventy-Two 七十二個見證人 (路10:1-24) 104

H. Conflict Over the Question of Eternal Life 永生問題上的衝突 (路10:25-37) 105

I. An Example of Fellowship 團契的例子 (路10:38-42) 106

J. Instruction in Prayer 在禱告的教導 (路11:1-13) 107

K. Conflict Over the Healing of the Dumb Man 醫治耳聾的衝突 (路11:14-36) 108

L. Conflict Over Pharisaic Ritualism 法利賽之禮儀上的衝突 (路11:37-54) 109

M. Instruction of the Disciples 門徒訓練的教導 110-118

1. Hypocrisy 假冒偽善 (路12:1-12) 110

2. Covetousness 貪婪 (路12:13-34) 111

3. Watchfulness 警醒 (路12:35-41) 112

4. Faithfulness 信實 (路12:42-48) 113

5. The Effect of His Coming 主來的影響 (路12:49-53) 114

6. The Signs of the Times 分辨時候 (路12:54-59) 115

7. Concerning Repentance 關乎悔改 (路13:1-9) 116

8. Concerning Israel’s Need 關乎以色列的需要 (路13:10-17) 117

9. Concerning the Kingdom Program 關乎國度的計畫 (路13:18-21) 118

N. Conflict at the Feast of Dedication 修殿節上的衝突 (約10:22-39) 119


A. Withdrawal from Judea 離開猶太地 (約10:40-42) 120

B. Instruction Concerning Entrance Into the Kingdom 關乎進天國的教導 (路13:22-35) 121

C. Instruction in a Pharisee’s House 在法利賽人家的教導 (路14:1-24) 122

D. Instruction Concerning Discipleship 關乎門徒的教導 (路14:25-35) 123

E. Instruction Concerning God’s Attitude Toward Sinners 關乎神對罪人的態度 (路15:1-32) 124

F. Instruction Concerning Wealth 關乎財富的教導 (路16:1-31) 125

G. Instruction Concerning Forgiveness 關乎原諒的教導 (路17:1-6) 126

H. Instruction Concerning Service 關乎服事的教導 (路17-7-10) 127

I. The Raising of Lazarus 拉撒路的復活 (John 11:1-44) 128

J. Instruction Concerning Thankfulness 關乎感謝的教導 (路17:11-19) 129

K. Instruction Concerning His Coming 關乎祂來的教導 (路17:20-37) 130

L. Instruction Concerning Prayer 關乎禱告的教導 (路18:1-14) 131

M. Instruction Concerning Divorce 關乎離婚的教導 (太19:1-12; 可10-1-12) 132

N. Instruction Concerning Entrance into the Kingdom 進天國的教導 (太19:13-15; 可10:13-16; 路18:15-17) 133

O. Instruction Concerning Eternal Life 永生的教導 (太19:16-20:16; 可10:17-31; 路18:18-30) 134

P. Instruction Concerning His Death 基督死的教導 (太20:17-28; 可10:10:32-45; 路18:31-34) 135

Q. Instruction Concerning Israel’s Need 以色列需要的教導 (太20:29-34; 可10:46-52; 路18:35-43) 136

R. Instruction Concerning the Kingdom Program 神國計畫的教導 (路19:1-28) 137


A. The Arrival in Bethany 來到伯大尼 (約11:55012:1, 9-11) 138

B. The Triumphal Entry 凱旋進京 (太21:1-11, 14-17; 可11:1-11; 路19:29-44; 約12:12-19) 139

C. The Authority of the King 王的權柄 (太21:12-13, 18-19; 可11:12-18; 路19:45-48) 140

D. Invitation by the King 王的邀請 (約12:20-50) 141

E. Proof of the Authority of the King 王權炳的證明 (太21:20-22; 可11:19-25; 路21:37-38) 142

F. The King’s Authority Challenged 挑戰王的權柄 143-143

1. By the Priests and Elders 被祭師和長老 (太21:23-22:14; 可11:27-12:12; 路20:1-19) 143

2. By the Pharisees and Herodians 被法利賽人和西律黨人 (太22:15-22; 可12:13-17; 路20:20-26) 144

3. By the Sadducees 被撒督該人 (太22:23-33; 可12:18-27; 路20:27-40) 145

4. By the Pharisees 被法利賽人 (太22:34-40; 可12:28-34) 146

G. Challenge by the King 王發出挑戰 (太22:41-46; 可12:35-37; 路20:41-44) 147

H. Judgment by the King 王發出審判 (太23:1-39; 可12:38-40; 路20:45-47) 148

I. Instruction at the Treasury 銀庫前的教導 (可12:41-44; 路21:1-4) 149


A. Predictions by Christ 基督預測將來 (太24:1-25:46; 可13:1-37; 路21:5-36) 150

B. Preparation for Christ’s Death 基督死的預備 151-160

1. The Prediction of His Death 祂死的預定 (太26:1-2; 可14:1a; 路22:1) 151

2. The Plan of the Rulers 宗教領袖的計畫 (太26:3-5; 可14:1b-2; 路22:2) 152

3. The Pouring of the Ointment 香膏澆灌 (太26:6-13; 可14:3-9; 約12:2-8) 153

4. The Promise to Betray 承諾出賣 (太26:14-16; 可14:10-11; 路22:3-6) 154

5. The Preparation of the Passover  逾越節節的準備(太26:17-19; 路14:12-16; 路22:7-13) 155

6. The Passover Observance 首逾越節 (太26:20; 可14:17; 路22:14-16; 24-30) 156

7. The Provision of an Example 神共應的例子 (約13:1-20) 157

8. The Prediction of Judas’ Betrayal 猶大背叛的預測 (太26:21-25; 可14:18-21; 路22:21-23; 約13:21-30) 158

9. The Prediction of Peter’s Denial 彼得否認的預測 (太26:31-35; 可14:27-31; 路22:31-38; 約13:37, 38) 159

10. The Provision of a Memorial 給予紀念的儀式 (太26: 26-30; 可14:22-26; 路22:17-20) 160

C. Precepts by Christ 最後晚餐基督的教導 (約13:31-16:33) 161-165

1. Prologue 前言 (約13:31-35) 161

2. Problems 問題 (約13:36, 14:1-24) 162

3. Promises 應許 (約14:25-31) 163

4. Instruction Concerning Their Present Experience 門徒目前經歷的教導: 結果子 | 門徒的敵人 (約15:1-16:4) 164

5. Instruction Concerning the Future 門徒將來的教導: 聖靈的工作 | 復活的結果 (約16:5-33) 165

D. Prayer by Christ for Believers 基督的禱告 (約17:1-26) 166

E. Prayer in the Garden 在客西馬尼園的禱告 (太26:36-46; 可14:32-42; 路22:39-46; 約18:1) 167


A. The Arrest 逮捕 (太26:47-56; 可14:43-52; 路22:47-53; 約18:2-12a) 168

B. The Religious Trial 宗教審理

1. Examination Before Anna 亞那的審問 (約18:12b-14, 19-23) 169

2. Examination Before Caiaphas 該亞法的審問 (太26:57, 59-68; 可14:53, 55-65; 路22:54a, 63-65; 約18:24) 170

3. Denial by Peter 彼得的否認 (太26:58, 69-75; 可14:54; 66-72; 路22:54b-62; 約18:15-18, 25-27) 171

4. Condemnation by the Sanhedrin 被公會定罪 (太27:1; 可15:1a; 路22:66-71) 172

5. Death of Judas 猶大的死 (太27:3-10) 173

C. Civil Trial 司法審理

1. Trial Before Pilate 在比拉多前被審問 (太27:2; 11:14; 可15:1b-5; 路23:1-5; 約18:28-38) 174

2. Trial Before Herod 在希律王前被審問 (路23:6:12) 175

3. Trial Before Pilate 在比拉多前被審問 (太27:15-26; 可15:6-15; 路23:13-25; 約18:39-19:1; 4-16) 176

4. Mockery 嘲弄 (太27:27-30; 可15:16-19; 約19:2-3) 177

D. Procession to Calvary 走向各各他 (太27-31-34; 可15:20-23; 路23:26-33; 約19:16b-17) 178

E. The Crucifixion 釘十字架

1. First Three Hours 前三個小時 (太27:35-44; 可15:24-32; 路23:34-43; 約19:18-27) 179

2. Second Three Hours 後三個小時 (太27:45-50; 可15:33-37; 路23:44, 46; 約19:28-30) 180

3. Accompanying Signs 附隨的現象 (太27:51-56; 可15:38-41; 路23:45, 47-49) 181

F. The Burial of Christ 基督的埋葬 (太27:57-61; 路15:42-27; 路23:50-56; 約19:31-42) 182

G. The Sealing of the Tomb 墳墓密封 (太27:62-66) 183


A. The Preparation by the Women 女子們的預備 (太28:1; 可16:1) 184

B. The Opening of the Tomb 墳墓打開 (太28:2-4) 185

C. The Visit of the Women 女子們的來訪 (太28:5-8; 可16:2-8; 路24:1-8; 約20:1) 186

D. The Report to the Disciples 報告給門徒 (路24:9-12; 約20:2-10) 187

E. The appearance to Mary 向馬利亞顯現 (可16:9-11; 約20:11-18) 188

F. The Appearance to the Women 向婦女們顯現 (太28:9-10) 189

G. The Report of the Guard 兵丁的報告 (太28:11-15) 190

H. The Appearance to the Two on the Emmaus Road 向以馬忤斯路上的兩個門徒顯現 (可16:12-13; 路24:13-32) 191

I. The Report of the Two to the Disciples 兩個門徒的報告 (路24:33:35) 192

J. The Appearance to the Ten 向十個門徒顯現 (路16:14; 路24:36-43; 約20:19-25) 193

K. The Appearance to the Eleven 向十一個門徒顯現 (約20:26-31) 194

L. The Appearance to the Seven Disciples 向七個門徒顯現 (約21:1-25) 195

M. The Commission of the Disciples 給門徒的大使命 (太28:16-20; 可16:15-18) 196

N. The Final Commission 最後的使命 (路24:44-49) 197

O. The Ascension of Christ 基督的升天 (路16:19-20; 路24:50-53) 198

* This unabridged outline of Events in the Life of Christ is quoted from The Life of Christ by J. Dwight Pentecost, Dallas Texas