What If

1 Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The LORD did not appear to you’?”

Exodus 4:1

There is something in our nature that causes us to doubt. In Exodus 3, Moses saw the burning bush, heard the voice of God and received promises that God would be with him, yet in Exodus 4 Moses still returned to that most common of human questions: “What if….?

What if things go wrong?

What if I am rejected?

Further questions might be:

What if I suffer?

What if I die?

The answer is the cross. It was the place where everything seemed so terribly wrong, the place where Jesus was rejected, the place where Jesus suffered, the place where Jesus died. But it was not the final place. Jesus rose again. Defeat gave way to victory and death gave way to life.

What if there had been no cross? We would still be lost in sin and separated from God. But there was the cross, and now we have life and freedom and relationship with God our Father.

Whenever you are burdened with questions of “what if…?” remember the cross where the ultimate what if was answered, and we can see God’s love.


What are the What if questions that you face?

Do you look for answers in prayer and in the Bible?

Pray that God will help you turn your eyes to the cross where the great what if is answered.