The time of book of Esther was after the Jews’ 70-year exile. The return was God’s plan and was urged by Isaiah and Jeremiah (Isa. 48:20; Jer. 50:8; 51:6) before the exile. After the 70 years of captivity, many chose not to returned to the promised land that God promised to bless them under the covenantal promise (Deut 28). Esther and Modecai had not returned to the land and did not seem interested in complying to prophets’ command.
Despite non-complying to the command, God worked to protect His people in the foreign land. When wicked and proud Haman plot to annihilate Jewish people, God not only use Esther and Modecai to save His chosen people, He also pay back the same way the enemy of God people would do to God’s people. Esther told the King Xerxes about the plot of Haman to annihilate her and her people, the king was furiously left the banquet hall for the palace garden. The reason for him to left was not mentioned. When he came back to the banquet hall, Haman was falling on the couch where Esther recline to eat. Haman was begging Esther to save him from the king’s anger. However the king saw it as Haman was molesting Esther although there could be maids and guards present. We don’t know whether the king was using it as a reason to make Haman worthy of death, but God was behind the scene to punish the wicked and protect His people. Haman made a gallows to hang Modecai was then used to hang Haman himself.
- Haman built a gallows to hang Modecai. Eventually Haman was hanged by the gallows he built. What is your thought on this?
- Genesis 12:3 says, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” How do you think this promise fulfilled in the event between the wicked Haman and God’s people?
- Knowing God’s loving faithfulness to His people, how shall you pray to think God for it? for protection over Israelite whom the Savior was born? Can God save us from our present circumstances even though they may seem dangerous?