The IMMANUEL TRUTH in the Book of Esther

The IMMANUEL TRUTH in the Book of Esther

The Book of Esther is replete with instances of the reversal of intentions and destinies by God’s gracious acts of mercy on behalf of His people. In spite of their lack of awareness of or dedication to Himself, perhaps due to being a dispersed and despised people who were merely useful trophies of war and pawns in a larger political power game in the known world, God continued to express His covenantal love for His people through whom He would fulfill His promise of the Savior Jesus Christ.

Chapter nine expresses another side of reality that many of us find uncomfortable. It seems incongruous to us that the God whose love and faithfulness are expressed so eloquently by the birth, life, death, burial, resurrection and second coming of Christ would allow such shocking brutality, let alone work through it for His purposes.

This chapter expresses a spiritual reality that there is a vicious ongoing spiritual war between the people of God and those who oppose Him. This struggle is a “give no quarter” fight to the death that seems at odds with mercy, yet this is exactly the nature of the struggle. The “spirit” that worked in Esther’s age (and every age until Jesus returns) actively plans and works to destroy God’s people. To ignore this truth or to be oblivious to it is tantamount to disaster.

Being aware of this truth, however, does not mean that we are capable of engaging in this spiritual struggle in our own strength. Just as we were not capable of saving ourselves from our deserved penalty due to our sin, likewise we are incapable of overcoming the power of that downward pull in our own strength. The GOOD NEWS of the Book of Esther is that the Lord has ways and means FAR beyond our comprehension and in wisdom and love, He supplies what is needed when it is needed, right on time.

Our God is able to transform both the size and scope of the difficulties we face while contesting against the “spirit of this age” into basic building blocks of victory for His people and Glory for Himself!

Especially during this Christmas season, let us remember the truth that regardless of how impossible some of our situations appear to be, NOTHING is impossible with God. The same One who sent His Son “in the fullness of time” (Galatians 4:4) WILL fulfill ALL that He has both promised and purposed in Christ!

One of those precious promises that is hinted at in the Book of Esther is that EXACTLY on time, the deliverance of final victory in this cosmic drama that we are participants in WILL come when Jesus returns! His return will result in our upside-down world from which hope seems to have disappeared being turned right-side up as He takes flaming vengeance upon His and our enemy along with all the enemy’s emissaries. (2 Thessalonians 1:6-8) Take heart & look up, our ultimate VICTORY is on the horizon!! MERRY CHRISTMAS to all who read this!!