Isaac’s Family Dysfunctionality

Family Dysfunctionality

While it’s true that in one sense, every family has a degree of functionality as a result of the fall of the first family in the garden, the story of Isaac’s family embodies many of the various kinds of dysfunctionality that a family may possess.

The favoritism that Isaac and Rebekah displayed by their individual preferences between their two sons Esau and Jacob reflect a core issue of an unresolved power struggle in their relationship. Though these two sons had the same father and mother, Genesis 25:28 depicts the reality of cracks in the solidarity of their family unit. One can not help but wonder why Rebekah would conspire with one son to surreptitiously steal the birthright of the other!

The division between the parents was mirrored by the division between the two brothers. Esau was very cavalier about the special quality of his birthright and the blessing of his future to the degree that he was willing to sell it for a meal of bread and lentils. The other brother, Jacob, was willing to go to any length to have both the birthright and his father’s blessing upon his future.

As an old man who was sensing that his time of leaving this life was drawing near, Isaac determined that it was time for him to bestow his blessing upon Esau, his favorite. Did Isaac’s eagerness to make sure that his chosen son be blessed contribute to him being vulnerable to deception? Was his desire for the special food that he knew his unfavored son could not give him an attempt to stack the deck against the trickery of both Jacob and Rebekah? One can only surmise what history of chicanery actually transpired in that family unit.

There are two take-aways that are encouraging from this sad tale of dysfunctionality. The first take-away is that the purpose of the Sovereign Lord of the Universe is not defeated by the failures and foibles of those whom He chooses to carry out His purpose. The second take-away is that the Sovereign Lord of the Universe, who knows all things BEFORE they occur is actively working through even the rankest sort of familial dysfunctionality to bless the world.

Let us rejoice that our personal “brand” of dysfunctionality can be overcome by the power and love of the Sovereign Lord of the Universe! Let us rejoice along with the myriad number of saints who have gone on before us as we experience the truth spoken to another very dysfunctional person by the Sovereign Lord “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9