What Men with Missions Do

What Men with Missions Do

We can mine two “golden nuggets” of applicable truth from today’s Scripture passage of Genesis 24:31-41.

The first “golden nugget” can be found by understanding the value that was placed upon hospitality in that time as eloquently expressed by Laban and Rebekah’s eagerness to attend to the needs of Abraham’s trusted steward Eliezer and entourage. Though our context is obviously very different, the challenge of being appropriately hospitable toward others is equally obvious. While those needing hospitality in our day don’t arrive on camels that need straw and feed, we have tremendous opportunities to minister to those from far away lands by providing lodging and meals as well as responding to requests for information about the best way(s) to get from point A to point B. We are reminded that there are times that we do entertain angels that we are unaware of, just as Hebrews 13:2 states.

The second “golden nugget” of applicable truth is to emulate the sense of urgency and focus that Eliezer modeled when he insisted upon explaining his mission prior to attending to his own need for food. Eliezer was a man with a mission, sent by his master and even though his master was far away, Eliezer was also a man still under authority. As believers in this 21st century, we too have been given our directive from our Resurrected Lord to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20). May we have the same urgency and focus that Eliezer had in fulfilling the directive of his master Abraham! Let us make a personal commitment to emulate Eliezer’s response to his master’s authority because, unlike Eliezer, our Master is not far away, in fact, He is with us always, even to the end of the age!

Notice the use of “applicable truth” in the above paragraphs. These “golden nuggets” are not intended to be merely ornamental jewelry to be worn by a reader. These “golden nuggets” demand a response of personal application in order to be transformed from being merely nice things to look at with speculative admiration. The ONLY way these “golden nuggets” can shine is through the “polish” of our personal application.

As with all Scripture, the challenge of today’s Scripture remains the same, namely, will we merely tip our hats toward the truth in avoidance of personal response or will we actually, practically and personally respond?